- Former CEO of insurance giant AIG!
- Instead of going by a snooty French name, goes by "Hank" -- after baseball great Hammerin' Hank Greenberg!
- Still manages to be described as "brusque" and "arrogant"!
- Board member of the New York Federal Reserve Bank from 1988 to 1995!
- Forced out as CEO of AIG in 2005 -- the result of an accounting-fraud investigation!
- Oversaw the creation of AIG's Financial Products Group!
- Set up the Financial Products Group such that it wasn't subject to the oversight of the AIG board of directors!
- As the largest insurer in the world, AIG depended on limiting its risk exposure!
- Instead, via the Financial Products Group's complex credit default swap (CDS) transactions, the insurer took on massive but uncertain amounts of risk!
- Because AIG was traditionally a very staid, conservative business, its securities were AAA-rated!
- As a result of that high rating, AIG didn't have to put up collateral on CDSs!
- The Financial Products Group also invested in billions of dollars of "toxic" subprime mortgage-backed securities!
- When the housing market crashed, so did the value of AIG's toxic assets!
- When AIG's capital reserves decreased as a result, its credit rating was lowered, CDS counter parties demanded $100 billion in collateral -- and the insurer cratered!
- To date, AIG has been bailed out by taxpayers out to the tune of $180 billion!
- The main beneficiaries of the AIG bailout? CDS counterparties like (wait for it...) Goldman Sachs -- which were paid 100 cents on the dollar of what they were owed!
- Greenberg refuses to accept any blame for AIG's destruction!
- According to Forbes, though, "In the end, Greenberg's legacy will be shabby"!
- Idiot!