- Former prime minister of the United Kingdom!
- Daughter of a grocer!
- Closely allied with fellow idiot Ronald Reagan!
- Known for her arrogant dismissal of opinions contrary to her own!
- Bemoaned the changing racial composition of her country!
- Called anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela a terrorist!
- Abhorred government efforts to directly aid the poor and disadvantaged -- believing that self-interest and unfettered free markets are the answer to all of society's problems!
- Cut taxes, fought labor unions, and cut funding for education and housing!
- Actually said, "There no such thing as society" -- aloud!
- Privatized providers of public services -- giving the investor class a sweetheart deal on stock in the privatized enterprises!
- Deregulated British financial markets!
- Considered a hero by free marketeers the world over!
- Deeply disliked by less fortunate subjects of the British Crown!
- During her time in office, the gap between rich and poor Brits grew like never before!
- Thanks to the global economic crash, her economic philosophy has been revealed to be as sound as a subprime mortgage loan!
- Today suffers from dementia -- and so remains blissfully unaware of the carnage wrought by those inspired by her economic philosophy!
- Idiot!