- Goes by "Hank"!
- Eagle Scout!
- Worked for John Ehrlichman -- Republican and felon -- during the Watergate break-in and cover-up!
- CEO of Goldman Sachs during the inflation of the sub-prime mortgage bubble!
- Received total compensation from Goldman of more than half a BILLION dollars!
- As CEO, convinced the SEC to release Goldman from the net capital rule -- exposing the bank to more risk than ever before!
- Also convinced the SEC to lessen regulatory oversight of risk-taking by investment banks!
- Named U.S. Secretary of the Treasury in 2006 -- by fellow Harvard Business School alum George W. Bush!
- As Secretary of the Treasury, charged with overseeing the same banking industry which had made him as rich as Midas!
- In March 2007, said, "An open, competitive, and liberalized financial market can effectively allocate scarce resources in a manner that promotes stability and prosperity far better than governmental intervention"!
- In August 2007, claimed the sub-prime mortgage crisis was "contained"!
- After coming to the aid of Bear Stearns earlier in 2008, in September allowed Lehman Brothers to fail -- sending the global economy into a death spiral!
- On September 15, 2008, called the U.S. banking system
"safe and sound"!
- Later that month, asked Congress to give him $700 billion to bail out the banking industry and thaw frozen credit markets!
- Initially tried to get Congress to give him absolute, unchecked power to do what he deemed necessary to save the financial system!
- Told Congress and the public that the bailout money would go towards purchasing "toxic assets" -- but gave the money to his banker buddies instead!
- Gave bailout money to banks with no requirement to use the money to make loans -- and no oversight of how the banks actually use the money!
- Bailout recipients used taxpayer money to pay bankers billions of dollars in "performance related" bonuses!
- Word on the Street is that billions of dollars in AIG bailout money have gone to pay off bets by Goldman that the sub-prime market would collapse!
- Never required that Goldman, or any other bank, reveal the extent of sub-prime mortgage-related investments -- resulting in continuing distrust of banks, and an ongoing credit crunch!
- Under Paulson's watch, two of the four major investment banks disappeared; only Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs -- Paulson's former employer -- remain!
- Claimed that the last thing he wanted to do with the bailout was cause a moral hazard among his banker buddies!
- Diagnosis: utterly deluded, or in possession of deep reserves of chutzpah!
- Idiot!